Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stuff we want to hang on the walls

Here's something new...

Until this weekend we had a large section of our guest bedrom closet devoted to "stuff we want to hang on the walls."

We managed to get some of this stuff up on the wall. It's a little but it's a start!

It was a process much more simple than anticipated... 

1) choose a bunch of stuff
2) arrange stuff on bed
3) cut out paper the size of each piece of stuff (or for the lazy - create painter's tape Xs!):

 4) hang paper or Xs on the wall:

5) wiggle stuff around as needed
6) before hammering nails, check the back of each piece to assess placement of nail holes
7) hang stuff:

I even got around to some paint touch-ups that were needed in here. (I know, right???)

We still have lots to do in here, but it is starting to shape up:
- the desk is calling for a large white lamp shade with some kind of awesome lamp base
- the chair is screaming for a floor-length slipcover in grey and white stripes
- a rug
- some throw pillows
- better curtain situation on the windows
- closet curtain covering needed

Oh and I'm debating re-painting the room at some point! More of a charcoal grey? I don't know if the blue is too much? Any opinions?

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