Long, long day, but it is done - John and I are officially homeowners! It has been an unbelievable time. From the time we settled on the price with the previous owners until today was only 5 weeks. Fastest closing ever!
9:30 am: Bagels.
10 am: Walk-through at the house. Found out our huge tree is actually the oldest tree in our town. Cool!
11 am: Still waiting for our closing costs from our lawyer. Relaxing (trying) in town with coffee and tea.
11:45 am: Call from lawyer. Everything is ready and there are no surprises with our closing costs. Awesome!
12 noon: Stop by bank to get the SCARIEST CHECK EVER!!!
12:30 pm: Title office. Paperwork rules!
1:30 pm: Starving. Big Italian Lunch.
4 pm: Still dont have the keys. Try to break into own home. Stop and make a few phone calls first.
4:30 pm: Everything's cleared. Keys are ours!
4:35 pm: Rip out wallpaper in Master Bedroom.
5 pm: Scouring fridge and oven - inside and out.
6:30 pm: Learn how to do a meter reading.
6:45 pm: Sweep.
7:30 pm: Lock up.
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